Maple Syrup

100% Pure, Wood Fired


sugarhouse open to visitors in March/april

Purchase our maple syrup products all year!
Syrup is available in a variety of plastic and glass containers,
including our signature Lake Sunapee bottle.


Visit us weekends or when we’re boiling at the Sugarhouse in March/April, Sunapee Farmers Market in the summer, online store/pickup year round, or shop our local retailers (see below for list).


Try our custom glass bottles for wedding favors and special events.
Quotes and custom design available upon request.

Our Maple Story…

This family tradition is a great way to end the winter and begin our spring. The Webb Family has been making syrup for three generations and over 60 years, and our previous sugarhouse on NH Route 103 dated back to the 1920's. In 2019/2020, we constructed a new sugarhouse abutting our main farm at the corner of Stagecoach Road and NH Route 103, just a few miles east of our previous spot. The new building gives us much needed space, visibility, and accessibility from recreation trails. In 2020, our woods expansions began… adding a leased property, bringing us to 2500 taps for the 2020 and 2021 seasons. In 2022, we accomplished a large installation of taps and tubing in our Wilmot sugarbush. These woods sat idle since the 1998 ice storm took our previous maple infrastructure. After 20 years of regrowth, we’ve brought these woods back into production which brought us to over 5000 taps for the 2023 season.

Our maple sugaring operation now has 5,000+ taps on about 100 acres of forest in 4 locations. The sugarhouse remains wood-fired, and we use our own firewood to fuel the evaporator. Did you know it typically takes about 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup? This ratio depends on the sugar content of the sap we collect from the tree. To help us reduce this 40 to 1 ratio, we use reverse osmosis technology to remove half of the water from our sap. This reduces the ratio to 20 gallons of sap for one gallon of syrup produced. That means nearly half as much firewood with less time spent boiling. The work doesn’t end with the maple season though! We work year round to maintain our woods and equipment so we’re ready to go in the spring. We also store our maple syrup in bulk so we can filter and bottle it up fresh throughout the year to satisfy our customers and retailers.

When do we make syrup? Well, it is all up to Mother Nature. The ideal weather for sugar-making is warm days and below freezing nights. Our maple season usually starts around March 1st and ends by mid-April. When we’re making syrup, our doors are open for tours and maple sales. Have a large group? Contact us ahead to schedule.

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Our syrup is also sold or on the menu at the following places:

Spring Ledge Farm, New London, NH

The Bend at Sugar River, Sunapee, NH

Jake’s Market, George’s Mills & New London, NH

Blue Loon Bakery, New London, NH

Brandmoore Farm Store, Rollinsford, NH

Claremont Spice and Dry Goods, Claremont, NH

Mountainside Trading, Newbury, NH

Wild Goose Country Store,  Sunapee Harbor, NH (seasonally)

Fenton's Landing, Sunapee Harbor, NH (seasonally)

Harborside Trading, Sunapee Harbor, NH (seasonally)

Bartlett's Blueberry Farm,  Newport, NH (seasonally)

Deck Dock Home & Garden, Sunapee, NH (seasonally)